Medical marketing — a compendium of knowledge. Permitted and Prohibited Activities

Medical marketing — a compendium of knowledge. Permitted and Prohibited Activities

Medical marketing is gaining importance in the rapidly growing healthcare industry. How to effectively promote medical services, while complying with the law? What actions are allowed and which can expose us to sanctions? In this article, we will look at the principles that govern medical marketing and discuss what is acceptable and what is not. Understanding these rules is key to building an effective strategy that will not only attract patients, but also protect our practice from potential legal problems.

Medical marketing — what is it?

Medical marketing is a relatively new field of marketing aimed at patients, doctors and other medical professionals that aims to increase awareness of available treatment options. In the context of increasing competition in the market, the promotion of commercial services has become an indispensable element.

Key elements of this strategy are market segmentation and the use of tools such as Google Ads campaigns, websites and social media. Thanks to this, communication can be precisely tailored to the needs of specific target groups, and market segmentation allows for more effective targeting and better understanding of patient expectations.

In addition, the marketing of services in the medical industry also includes the promotion of health services, which translates into greater trust and loyalty of patients. The use of modern tools allows you to effectively manage campaigns and sell services, increasing their reach and impact.

Advantages of medical marketing

The benefits of medical marketing are numerous and significant, both for facilities and for patients.

  • Transparent communication helps build trust and a positive image — providing valuable content and support at every stage of treatment fosters lasting relationships.
  • Medical marketing significantly improves the visibility and recognition of medical institutions, which makes it possible to reach a wider range of patients.
  • With effective marketing efforts, facilities can increase the number of new patients and maintain their loyalty.

Thoughtful marketing activities become essential to stay competitive in the face of changing patient expectations and technology developments. Thanks to them, medical institutions can effectively adapt to a dynamically changing market, which in turn affects their overall success and sustainability.

Medical Marketing — Permitted Practices

Medical marketing, although bound by numerous regulations, allows you to take actions that build trust and loyalty among new patients.

According to one of the resolutions of the Supreme Medical Chamber, entities performing medical activities can inform patients about new medical services and products. It is important that this information is objective and consistent with reality, in order to protect patients from being misled as to the nature and effectiveness of the services offered.

Doctors, according to the code of medical ethics, have the right to provide information about their qualifications, including scientific titles and specializations. This approach increases a sense of confidence in patients who can accurately assess the competence of a specialist before deciding on treatment.

Informing about the times and places of admission is another permitted action that promotes a better organization of medical services. Patients, knowing these details, can plan appointments more easily, which translates into greater satisfaction and loyalty to the medical facility.

Healthcare providers can also inform about the services offered through a variety of communication channels, such as websites, information brochures or social media. However, it is crucial that this information is consistent with reality and does not mislead patients.

Thanks to such marketing activities, medical institutions can effectively attract new patients, while ensuring the transparency and reliability of the information provided. In this way, medical marketing becomes not only a promotional tool, but also an educational tool, supporting informed and responsible decisions of patients.

Medical marketing — illegal activities

Advertising of medical services must comply with regulations to protect patients from misinformation. It is worth remembering that transparency and honesty in advertising medical services are not only a legal obligation, but also an ethical obligation.

Doctors cannot encourage patients to use their services or inform about the effectiveness of treatment - legal regulations prohibit this. It is worth remembering that making unsubstantiated claims about the effectiveness of therapy can lead to patient misrepresentation and serious legal consequences.

It is also forbidden to use the image of doctors in advertisements and their appearance in them; this is to limit self-promotion in medicine.

Compliance with medical marketing rules is crucial in this branch — improper practices can result in sanctions.

Limitations in Medical Marketing — Facebook, Meta

Facebook (Meta) introduced Specific rules for advertising of medical products and servicesto protect the security and privacy of users.

For example, advertising prescription drugs and supplements that Facebook deems potentially dangerous — like anabolic steroids — is strictly prohibited. This legal restriction is intended to prevent the spread of dangerous medicinal products.

In addition, pharmacy advertising requires special permission, which introduces additional barriers to pharmaceutical marketing. Verification includes all elements of your ads — images, text, and targeting — to make sure they meet the platform's standards. It is important that the content and form of advertising comply with the regulations, highlighting information about the scope and types of promoted products and services.

In addition, advertisements promoting products or services related to weight loss may not:

  • Present “before and after” comparisons of the use of a product or service, with the exception of fitness classes such as Pilates or strength training.
  • Focus on specific areas of the body, such as a close-up on the folds of fat.
  • Contain messages that could cause negative feelings about their appearance in the recipient.
  • Use human complexes to urge you to achieve certain standards of beauty.
  • Reinforce negative or unhealthy patterns of body perception.
  • Include content that embarrasses users because of their appearance.

In the case of advertising aimed at adults, you can promote:

  • Products and services related to diet and weight loss, such as dietary supplements, provided that they do not use negative techniques to influence the user's self-esteem.

These ads can depict people using the product, but they must clearly indicate how long it takes to achieve noticeable results.

In the context of cosmetic products and treatments, advertisements may not:

  • Show close-ups of skin with signs of aging before and after using the product.
  • Promote skin whitening products that cause a permanent change in its color.
  • Include content that could cause negative feelings about their appearance in the audience.
  • Use user complexes to trick them into striving for certain beauty standards.
  • Reinforce negative or unhealthy patterns of body perception.

However, in advertisements aimed at adults, you can promote:

  • Cosmetic products, treatments and surgeries, such as breast augmentation, face lifting, filling treatments, or skin rejuvenation treatments, provided that they do not use tactics that negatively affect the user's self-esteem. These ads can show realistic treatment effects over time.

Limitations in Medical Marketing — Google, YouTube

Restrictions on medical marketing on Google and YouTube are relentless — these platforms impose restrictions on advertising for medical services to protect users from misinformation.

These regulations include a ban on advertising of experimental and unproven efficacy therapies, which is intended to ensure safety and compliance with current regulations.

Google Ads doesn't allow prescription drug names to be used in ads or landing pages. This action is aimed at complying with legal regulations that regulate advertising of medical services. In Poland, advertising of online pharmacies is additionally prohibited, although advertising of over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements in online stores is allowed.

Healthcare is also on the list of sectors with advertising restrictions, which forces medical institutions to be especially careful when planning campaigns.

  • Google complies with regulations for advertising content related to health care and medicines. Advertisements must comply with relevant legal regulations and industry standards.
  • Some health content may only be advertised in selected countries and by certified advertisers. It is important to check local regulations before starting your campaign.
  • Prescription drug manufacturers can only advertise their products in Canada, New Zealand and the United States, but they cannot promote prescription opioids.
  • Advertising online pharmacies without a prescription or in places where they are not licensed is prohibited. Violations of these rules are taken very seriously, which may result in immediate suspension of your account.
  • Google limits the promotion of services related to prescribing, selling and dispensing prescription drugs online. Ads must comply with local laws in the countries in which they are displayed.
  • Some content, such as unapproved substances, products with misleading names, and products related to experimental therapies, are completely prohibited from advertising.
  • Ads related to abortion, birth control and addiction are strictly regulated and can only be allowed in certain countries, often after obtaining the appropriate certificates from Google.

Compliance with legal regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and maintain a positive online image of a medical institution.

What services in medical marketing?

Medical marketing is a field that requires a specialized approach and understanding of the specifics of the industry. Effective marketing strategies can significantly affect the positioning of a medical institution on the market, building patient confidence and increasing the number of visits. Below are the key services to consider for medical marketing.

1. Market Analysis

Market Analysis is a fundamental element of any marketing strategy, including in the medical industry. Her goal is to understand the competitive environment, patient needs and market trends.

The first step in market analysis is to identify the main players in the market and their strategies. Thanks to this, it is possible to better understand which medical services are of the greatest interest and how the competition promotes them. Market analysis also helps to detect gaps in the offer that can be used to stand out from the competition.

The second important aspect of market analysis is the study of patient needs. Thanks to surveys, interviews and analysis of patient behavior on the Internet, it is possible to better match the offer to their expectations. This knowledge allows you to create more personalized marketing campaigns that meet the tastes and needs of a specific target group.

2. Marketing Channels

Choosing the right marketing channels is one of the key elements of the promotion strategy in the medical industry. There are many channels that can be used, from traditional forms of advertising to modern online tools.

Traditional marketing channels, such as advertising in the press, radio or television, continue to have their relevance, especially when it comes to reaching older demographics. However, in the age of digitalization, online marketing channels such as social media, search engine advertising and websites play an increasingly important role.

It is also worth remembering the importance of omnichannel, that is, integrating different communication channels. This allows the patient to have a consistent experience with the brand, whether they contact it through a website, social media or directly in a medical facility.

3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO, or search engine optimization, is another important element online marketing in the medical industry. Thanks to a properly optimized website, a medical institution can more easily reach patients looking for information about specific services or diseases.

SEO optimization involves several important aspects, such as the selection of the right keywords, optimization of the content on the site and technical aspects such as the speed of loading the page or its responsiveness. It is also important to create valuable content that answers patients' questions and provides them with the information they need.

A high position in the search results increases the visibility of the website, which translates into a higher number of visits and potential patients. Therefore, investing in SEO is crucial for any medical institution that wants to compete effectively in the market.

4. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

SEM, or search engine marketing, is a service that includes paid advertising campaigns such as Google Ads. Unlike SEO, SEM allows you to instantly gain visibility in search results by purchasing ads.

SEM campaigns are particularly effective in promoting specific medical services, new facilities or preventive actions. With precise targeting of ads, you can reach the patients who are most interested in a given service. It is also worth monitoring and optimizing SEM campaigns to get the best results at optimal cost.

SEM is also a great tool for testing different advertising messages and researching which of them bring the best results. On this basis, marketing strategies can be refined and better adapted to the needs of the market.

5. Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest, but still very effective forms of communication with patients. Thanks to the regular newsletter and mailing campaigns can keep in constant contact with patients, inform them about new services, promotions or important events.

A key element of effective email marketing is the segmentation of the patient base. Thanks to it, you can send personalized messages that target specific needs and interests of patients. For example, patients interested in dermatology can be sent information about new treatments or articles on skin care.

It is also important to monitor the effectiveness of email campaigns, measure open rates, clicks and conversions. This allows you to optimize campaigns on an ongoing basis and adapt them to patients' preferences.

6. Content marketing

Content marketing, or content marketing, plays a very important role in building image medical institution as an expert in its field. By publishing valuable content, such as articles, blogs, e-books or videos, you can gain the trust of patients and increase their engagement.

Creating content for a medical blog or websites is a way to provide patients with valuable information that helps them understand various aspects of health and treatment. A well-planned content marketing strategy can also attract new patients through organic search engine positioning (SEO).

Content marketing is also a great tool for building relationships with patients. Answering their questions, explaining medical intricacies and providing valuable advice are activities that increase patient loyalty and make them more willing to return to a given medical facility.

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